
Ceará is located at the northeast point of Brazil. As shown in this map, Ceará has beach with sea.

Fortaleza is one of the biggest city in Brazil and the capital of Ceará.
There are subway and international airport in Fortaleza.
Fortaleza is highly developed and high-rise office buildings are lined along the 



The most attractive part of Fortaleza is beach!
Morro Branco and Praia de Futuro are beautiful and popular beaches in Fortaleza.

                                                Morro Branco

        Praia de Futuro

Beach park

This beach park is also popular attraction. 

Ceará show

 Japanese garden in Fortaleza

There is beautiful Japanese garden in Fortaleza.
In 20th century, Brazilian government wanted to secure workforce to make
 coffee. Then, a lot of Japanese who was asking for high salary emigrated to 
Brazil. Most Japanese immigrants couldn't make it and was going to return to 
Japan. However, they couldn't go back to Japan. Therefore, many Japanese
Brazilians live in Brazil. For this reason, I guess Japanese garden was built there.




  1. Ceara really looks like a paradise! The beaches are amazingly beautiful and I love the historic architecture. I love seeing the Japanese influence in Brazil, the gardens look really inviting.

  2. Wow, Morro Branco looks beautiful. The red rock reminds me of the Southwest here in the U.S. I also watched the TEDx video for the Ceara show and it was really interesting. The dancing was really eccentric, and while I didn't really understand a lot of what was going on, it was very interesting and fun to watch.

  3. I found it super fascinating that there is a Japanese garden in Ceará. I just love how diverse Brazil is. Also loved the Beach Park! What an awesome attraction!

  4. Ceará looks like such a fun destination! I was very curious where Japanese culture in Brazil would come into play. So interesting to find that it is here! I definitely would like to visit the Beach park in Fortaleza and the Praia de Futuro.

  5. I love that you can clearly see different cultural influences here- like the Japanese garden! And the beaches and water park look so fun. I would love to go on the really tall slide!!!

  6. Ceará looks really cool and the fact that it has Japanese influence as well, really adds to Brazil's diverse culture. It seems like a really cool area to visit!

  7. One of my best friends is from Fortaleza and I had never done much research on it so it is cool to see where she grew up and get a feel for the culture. I wish I would have been able to grow up near those beaches! I did not know that it hand Japanese influence and that just go to show how diverse and different Brazil is because different cities have other influences like German and others!

  8. I love Japan, and its culture and I think with such a huge Japanese population in Brazil, it is awesome to see the influence that they have had in the architecture, and culture in Fortaleza. The beach park looks like a fun place to take your kids as an alternative to the beach. I think this is the only amusement type park that was shown on these presentations, and it is cool to see Brazil's take on a water park.


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