Rio Grande do Sul

 Rio Grande do Sul is located at the utmost south point of Brazil. As shown in the map, Rio Grande has one side on which beaches reside; as well as sharing a border with Santa Catarina.


Porto Alegre 

Porto Alegre is the capital of Rio Grande, and because it was first colonized by people from several part of Europe, it has a major blend of its own history and a culture which brings unique clothing and accents. Porto Alegre is a place with a vast number of attraction ranging from a number of 50 museums and memorials to 30 theatrical places. 

The center of this city holds its major attractions, and one of them is the Metropolitan Cathedral which was built with a Renaissance-like style. 

Metropolitan Cathedral 
  Porto Alegre also has beautiful landscapes and it's known for being one of the most forested cities in Brazil. For the perfect run, stroll, or picnic, Farroupilha Park would be the ideal place.
Farroupilha Park 

Another good place to visit in Rio Grande is the city named Gramado. Gramado is known for its cafes, restaurant, and craft factories which waft their scents everywhere people go. In Gramado, people are able to visit a popular chocolate museum adjacent to Minimundo--a popular park known for having "miniature" constructions, as well as Snowland, an indoor snow park.

There are tours in Gramado known to be traditional. The Black Lake is a traditional tour which carries you on fun pedal boats. The Black Lake appeared when there was a fire which devastated the local forest in '42. From there, people have been improving its appearance.

Romatic Route 
Another good place to visit is the city named Canela (Cinnamon). Canela and Gramado are part of Romantic Route, a route where people are able to shop, experience ecotourism, and
great cuisine.

Minimundo Park


Arroz de Carreteiro 
The two main and very popular dishes in Rio Grande do Sul is arroz de Carreteiro and Churrasco. The former is a delicious dish containing a good portion of rice, cooked meat, and herbs. The latter of the aforementioned dishes is named Churrasco. Churrasco, which refers to grilled beef and meat, is another popular dish
it takes 30 minutes to prepare and 2 hours to cook. The recipe is here: Churrasco

Churrasco BBQ



  1. What is this minimundo park? Is it literally a miniature world park people visit?

    I really liked the second video because it seemed to capture the highlights and spirits of this area the best; they seem to genuinely be very easy going. The food looks amazing. I also love the scenery it showed (like the giant waterfall); but in addition to just the natural scenery, the other park you featured (Farroupilha Park) looks gorgeous

  2. Churrasco BBQ is making me hungry! Farroupilha Park is gorgeous and looks like a lovely place to get out and enjoy the city. I am amazed at the biodiversity everywhere we have seen so far in Brazil. While I expected it to be lush and green, I did not expect everything to be so green. What are those strangely-shaped pine trees along the gorgeous canyon?

  3. The Minimundo is such a cute thing! I really wonder how long it took to build.
    I also like the videos you posted of the scenery. Rio Grande do Sul is beautiful and I admire the ways that they show off the nature- especially Farroupilha park!

  4. Rio Grande do Sul looks absolutely beautiful! I especially love the picture of Farroupilha Park. Both the Churrasco BBQ and Arroz de Carreteiro look delicious. Porto Alegre sounds so interesting! I would love to just museum hop all day long there.

  5. The landscape is so beautiful! The waterfalls are so large and stunning. I, like the other classmates, am VERY curious about Minimundo. It would feel hilarious and incredibly fun to be able to walk through it and feel like a giant. What a beautiful state!

  6. The food looks delicious. I'm not sure if I would like the eggs in my rice though. Another thing that I really liked about Rio Grande do Sul was the video with the outdoors stuff. Its very pretty!

  7. I love trying new food, and the dishes in this presentation looked unique. I would definitely try these if they were available here....... maybe one day. Minimudo would be a fun place to visit; I would feel like Godzilla stomping through the city.


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